LIPA | Coffea liberica | Medium Roast

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100% Pure Liberica a.k.a. KAPENG BARAKO. Barako a Tagalog word which means strong man or manliness and kape means coffee. Because of its strong taste, it got the name kapeng barako.

This variety turned out to be a common name for all coffee from Batangas. It’s a rare and exotic coffee fully-grown in Lipa and other high places in Batangas and known for its strong taste. Barako coffee, with its strong smell and distinctive flavor, has been a cultural staple in the Philippines for over two hundred years. For Filipinos, barako coffee is a symbol of their country. It also takes its name from the Tagalog word for a male stud bull or wild boar, reflecting the fact that it’s a strong coffee.

Traditionally it’s served black or sweetened with muscovado sugar. For most locals, the drink invokes memories of their parents sipping it while the roosters crow at 5am, preparing for another day under the sun.

Origin:  Lipa, Batangas, Philippines

Coffee Specie: Coffea liberica

Varietal: Ethiopian Heirloom

Altitude/Elevation: 1,025 ft above sea level

Process: Natural

Taste Notes: Bold, emphasizes the darker, earthier flavors

Roast Profile: Medium

Roast Date: from the date of the order we roast the beans so we deliver it to you fresh

Grind: Medium

Recommended Brewing Method: AeroPress, Automatic Drip Coffee, Chemex, Coffee Cone, Cold Brew Coffee, French Press, Siphon

In photo, 1000 grams tube and 1000 grams pouch. Lower weights gets smaller tubes and pouches.